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Jessica Reed
11/12/2009 01:19:37 pm

The Roosevelts greatly helped and supported minorities during the Great Depression. First, President Roosevelt had a group of African American advisers that he called his "Black Cabinet." This allowed African Americans to be part of the government and their decisions. Next, FDR also helped Mexican Americans by helping them get jobs. Lastly, Eleanor Roosevelt supported women during the Depression. One of the most memorable things the Roosevelts did was appointing a female into the cabinet making Frances Perkins the first female to be in the cabinet.


Arjun Rajesh
11/13/2009 05:35:42 am

Roosevelt was very helpful and supportive to the many minority groups. For instance a vast group of women were unemployed and if employed made little money. Eleanor Roosevelt worked very hard to make sure that women were not being denied good jobs. FDR also went out of his way to make sure blacks and other immigrants were getting the support they required through these hard times. I think that the Roosevelts were very helpful to the minorites and prevented lots of lay-offs with his New Deal.

Molly Buring
11/18/2009 11:00:03 am

One way they supported minorities was by the New Deal. The New Deal gave many jobs to everybody, including minorities. It gave them public jobs such as building buildings, planting, and more. So the new Deal helped minorities, and African Americans survive the Great Depression.

Arjun Rajesh
11/21/2009 12:40:29 am

I think that FDR and his wife were very helpful to the development of minority groups. They worked very hard to depopularize Jim Crow laws. They did this by getting jobs and providing equal relief for evryone. Usually for the same job women would get paid much less than men. I think that that is not right. People should be paid based on how well they work and not on anything else. Elanor Roosevelt saw to this. I truly believe that these two helped shape our country.,9455,1518562-,00.html

Arjun Rajesh
11/21/2009 12:42:10 am

3/26/2012 03:42:56 am



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