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Molly Buring
11/12/2009 08:16:05 am

Courage was very important in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. One example of courage is Atticus helping a black man accused of rape. It took him a lot of courage, being a white man, to help out a black man. Most white men wouldn't help a black man being accused of rape by a white woman. Another courageous thing is for the kids, Scout, Dill, and Jem. They are being very brave because it takes a courageous person to be so curious in such a mysterious man, Boo Radley. To me, courageous means being brave, and like fearless, and not scared of anything.

molly buring
11/12/2009 08:17:26 am

my sources:
the book
my noggin

Jessica Reed
11/12/2009 12:41:48 pm

Jessica Reed
11/12/2009 01:04:55 pm

Courage is shown widely throughout To Kill a Mockingbird. For example, in the very beginning of the book, while playing the Boo Radely game, Jem had enough courage to go onto the property. Furthermore, Atticus had enough courage to defend Tom Robinson even though he knew he would get a lot of criticism. Lastly, at the end of the book, Mr. Link Deas was brave enough to help Helen Robinson and walk her home from work. He was also brave enough to go to the Ewells house and tell Mr. Ewell to leave Helen alone. From simple childhood games, like the Boo Radely game, to heavy business, such as defending a person who you know is not approved of, courage is basically moving out of your comfort zone to prove something. When Jem went on the Radley Place he was trying to prove that he wasn't scared of anything. Secondly, Atticus was trying to prove that African Americans are just as important as anybody else, and that he isn't afraid of what people think. Finally, Mr. Deas tried to prove to Mr. Ewell that he wasn't going to let him mess with the Robinsons anymore. So, essentially, being courageous is a way to prove something that you believe in.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Arjun Rajesh
11/13/2009 08:53:10 am

Throughout my studies in the novel I have encountered many instances of courage. For instance, Jem and Dill performing a risky activity to find out why Boo Radley was inside his home. This was very dangerous, especially since Nathan Radley would shoot at any random thing he saw in his yard. They were doing this simply so they could talk to a well known "phantom" who they had only heard of in stories. I think this truly says a lot about these children. To me it says that if they are curious they will muster the courage to satisfy thier curiosity. Another act of pure courage is Atticus vouching to defend a black man accused of raping a white girl. At this time period anyone would know the black man would be sentenced to death and nobody would stand up for him even though he had commited no crime. Atticus stepped up to do this knowing that he would be disgraced by it. He did this because he had the courage to act based on what he thought was right instead of what everyone else thought. I think that it is people like this who will have the greatest success and will make this world a better place.


Arjun Rajesh
11/21/2009 03:09:32 am

I think that bravery is a major theme of the book. If there was a plot it was a litte girl who lives in the Depression in a "proper" society with segregation trying to figure out what is happening around her. The whole novel is just someone being brave over and over again. In this book being brave is doing something dangerous but doing it for the greater good. That is what I think it means to be brave in this novel.


3/10/2013 09:44:08 am

I think courage is very important in To Kill A Mockingbird


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